Join host Marcy Young and Megan Crenshaw, a devoted mother of two young boys who both have VLCAD (Very Long-Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency) in this heartfelt episode of the Energy in Action Podcast.
In this heartfelt episode of Energy in Action, host Marcy Young chats with Megan Crenshaw, a devoted mother of two young boys who both have VLCAD (Very Long-Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency). Megan shares the unique challenges of navigating rare disease parenting during a global pandemic—from midnight feedings and managing strict dietary regimens to balancing the desire for her children’s active lives with the ever-present worry about their health.
Through vulnerability and humor, Megan describes the joy she finds in her sons’ resilience and how she’s learned to give herself grace when life doesn’t match the expectations she once had. She also opens up about seeking a community that understands, celebrating her discovery of MitoAction, and embracing the power of advocacy both for her family and others in the mitochondrialRelated to the mitochondria. disease community.
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