How were you introduced to the mito community?
My parents noticed when I was young that I would fall asleep anywhere, I didn’t gain weight easily and I didn’t have the same level of energy as other kids. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I got sick with the flu and couldn’t recover. I saw my doctor, initial testing didn’t provide answers, and I was referred to an internal medicine doctor who determined I had mitochondrialRelated to the mitochondria. disease, later confirmed by genetic testing.
What are your biggest day-to-day challenges?
Managing expectations of myself and the reality of what I’m able to do. It’s a constant juggling act of what needs to get done, what my energy level will allow, and what I have to give up or what trade-offs need to happen to get things done.
Can you tell us about Mito Quilts of Hope?
To supplement my income as a student, I worked in a flower shop and discovered I loved being creative. Over the years I worked for other florists, learning along the way, and eventually started my own floral company. When I got sick from mitochondrial disease I had to close the business. I missed having the business and missed being creative. Going through my diagnostic journey, I realized so few people knew about mitochondrial disease. I decided to use Mito Awareness month to launch Mito Quilts of Hope to spread comfort and awareness. I started a website and connected with other quilters to help me make quilts for mito patients. Mito Action and Mito Canada help with the postage to distribute the quilts.
How does someone receive a quilt?
Visit my website and register to receive a quilt by answering a few questions. If you’re a quilter and you’d like to get involved by making a quilt, you can visit the website to register and all of the quilting information is provided for you online.
Email: christineknox0@gmail.com or christine@mitoquiltsofhope.org
Mito Quilts of Hope on Facebook