Welcome back to our fellow mito warrior, Christine Knox, who’s here to talk about a new program she’s implementing for MitoAction.
Can you tell us about the program you’ve started and what inspired it?
I’ve noticed a lot of programs offered to the mito community are fundraising efforts geared towards people who are sports minded. That’s not in my realm of interest, so I decided to offer something artistic because I’ve been a lifelong artist. I proposed the program to MitoAction and we started MitoArtisan’s Playtime. The intention is to have monthly Zoom sessions where an artist will share their work and teach or demonstrate a technique, sharing the dialogue of the artistic journey we all go on through mito. My artwork is my healing place where I can go to escape pain, worries and stress and I think it’s important to support other mito artists in their journey as well.
What has your career in art been like?
I started drawing at about 10 years old and prior to that was a kid who loved coloring in coloring books. That’s where my love of using colored pencils began. Throughout the years, I turned to my artwork as time and energy allowed and I enjoyed exploring new mediums. About six years ago, I started taking commissions, which mostly feature animals.
Can someone who doesn’t consider themselves an artist get involved with MitoArtisan’s?
Definitely, and all ages are welcome! We walk everyone through step-by-step and there will be recordings available. There will be a list of supplies available in advance of sessions, but it’s just playing, so you can use whatever materials and supplies you have available.
When will the next session be?
The next session will be in June and we will be drawing a close-up of the human eye. Sessions are about two hours, but the recording will be available to replay if you can’t stay for the whole session.