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Alpers’ Disease ACAD9 Deficiency Autosomal Dominante Optic Atrophy (ADOA) Barth SyndromeA rare, genetic disorder of lipid metabolism that primarily affects males. CACT Deficiency CPEO Complex I Deficiency Complex II Deficiency Complex III Deficiency Complex IV Deficiency Complex V Deficiency CoQ10 Deficiency CPT I Deficiency CPT II Deficiency Creatine Deficiency Syndrome CUD/Primary Carnitine Deficiency Friedreich’s AtaxiaFriedreichs Ataxia GAII/MADD Deficiency Kearns-Sayre Syndrome (KSS) Lactic Acidosis LCHAD Deficiency Leigh Syndrome Leukodystrophy LHON LHON Plus Luft Disease MCAD Deficiency MCKAT Deficiency MELAS MEPAN MERRF MIRAS MitochondrialRelated to the mitochondria. Cytophy Mitochondrial DNA Depletion Mitochondrial Encencephalopathy Mitochondrial Myopathy MNGIE M/SCHAD Deficiency MMDS NARP Pearson SyndromeA rare disease that targets the bone marrow and pancreas. Through dysfunction of cells in the bone marrow that produce white and red bloods cells along with platelets. POLG Mutationsgenetic variant, genetic change POLG 2 Primary Mitochondrial Myopathy Pyruvate Carboxylase Deficiency Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Deficiency PDCD SCAD Deficiency Thymidine Kinase 2 Deficiency (TK2) VLCAD Deficiency Undiagnosed Other What is your child's diagnosis? Alpers’ Disease ACAD9 Deficiency Autosomal Dominante Optic Atrophy (ADOA) Barth Syndrome CACT Deficiency CPEO Complex I Deficiency Complex II Deficiency Complex III Deficiency Complex IV Deficiency Complex V Deficiency CoQ10 Deficiency CPT I Deficiency CPT II Deficiency Creatine Deficiency Syndrome CUD/Primary Carnitine Deficiency Friedreich’s AtaxiaImpaired coordination of voluntary muscle movements. Manifestations can include, among others, slurred speech, poor balance, unsteady walking, falling, and involuntary eye movements (nystagmus). Usual GAII/MADD Deficiency Kearns-Sayre Syndrome (KSS) Lactic Acidosis LCHAD Deficiency Leigh Syndrome Leukodystrophy LHON LHON Plus Luft Disease MCAD Deficiency MCKAT Deficiency MELAS MEPAN MERRF MIRAS Mitochondrial Cytophy Mitochondrial DNA Depletion Mitochondrial Encencephalopathy Mitochondrial Myopathy MNGIE M/SCHAD Deficiency MMDS NARP Pearson Syndrome POLG Mutations POLG 2 Primary Mitochondrial Myopathy Pyruvate Carboxylase Deficiency Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Deficiency PDCD SCAD Deficiency Thymidine Kinase 2 Deficiency (TK2) VLCAD Deficiency Undiagnosed Other What is your loved one's diagnosis? Alpers’ Disease ACAD9 Deficiency Autosomal Dominante Optic Atrophy (ADOA) Barth Syndrome CACT Deficiency CPEO Complex I Deficiency Complex II Deficiency Complex III Deficiency Complex IV Deficiency Complex V Deficiency CoQ10 Deficiency CPT I Deficiency CPT II Deficiency Creatine Deficiency Syndrome CUD/Primary Carnitine Deficiency Friedreich’s Ataxia GAII/MADD Deficiency Kearns-Sayre Syndrome (KSS) Lactic Acidosis LCHAD Deficiency Leigh Syndrome Leukodystrophy LHON LHON Plus Luft Disease MCAD Deficiency MCKAT Deficiency MELAS MEPAN MERRF MIRAS Mitochondrial Cytophy Mitochondrial DNA Depletion Mitochondrial Encencephalopathy Mitochondrial Myopathy MNGIE M/SCHAD Deficiency MMDS NARP Pearson Syndrome POLG Mutations POLG 2 Primary Mitochondrial Myopathy Pyruvate Carboxylase Deficiency Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Deficiency PDCD SCAD Deficiency Thymidine Kinase 2 Deficiency (TK2) VLCAD Deficiency Undiagnosed Other Newsletter Type*Mito NewslettersFAOD NewslettersBoth Mito & FAOD NewslettersCAPTCHANameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.