Become a MitoChampion
Become a MitoChampion today to make a lasting impact on the mito community!

MitoAction uses our monthly MitoChampion meetings as a collective space to bring volunteers together to work on various projects related to advocacy, education, peer-to-peer support, fundraising and much more.
Our goal is that through trainings and networking, our MitoChampion families and patients will gain tools, resources, and support to help educate the greater community about mitochondrialRelated to the mitochondria. disease! Our MitoChampion program is a collaborative group and our goal is to support projects that are important to our MitoChampions! So, if you have a new idea of how you want to raise awareness and hope, that’s great! We encourage members to bring these ideas to group so we can encourage, provide feedback, and support each other!