Expert Series: MELAS and Nitric Oxide

This Expert Series will focus on MELAS, the difference between an actual stroke and stroke-like episodes, nitric oxide, and the use of citrulline. MELAS (Mitochondrial Encephalopathy, Lactic Acidosis, and Stroke-like episodes) is one of the most frequent maternally inherited mitochondrial disorders with an estimated prevalence of 60/100,000. There is growing evidence that nitric oxide (NO) deficiency […]

Event Series Weekly Support Call

Weekly Support Call

Spend an hour with MitoAction on Fridays for our weekly support group calls!Our support call creates a safe and confidential place to connect with others with mito. Parents, spouses, caregivers, and adults on the mito journey are welcome to call in each week to share their experiences, ask a question, and offer and receive individualized […]